Clean Eating Salad With Canned Tuna, Chickpeas and Quinoa

Chickpea and Quinoa Salad

Food makes me so happy. So happy that I’ve been using this time in quarantine venturing out the only way I know how: trying out new food combinations. There’s been no lack of indulgence in my house, but today I decided it was time to find something a little “cleaner.”

I stocked up moderately for this pandemic — a few cans here, a few cans there, just to spread out trips to the grocery store. Today I was tasked with making lunch after a negotiation with Travis that had him doing a 60-minute workout with me in the garage. “Fine, I’ll do it, but you have to make lunch and clean up,” he said.

Lately, he’s been whipping up lunch since I spend so much time cooking dinner and baking sweet treats. So I found myself at a bit of a crossroads in the kitchen today — trying to find something healthy enough after such a lovely workout, but different enough that it didn’t feel like we were eating just another salad.

This recipe is a delicious combination of canned chickpeas, canned tuna, cooked quinoa, spinach, onion, carrots, mint and tomatoes complemented with a super simple tangy dressing.


For the salad:

1 can tuna, drained

1 can chickpeas, drained

1 cup cooked quinoa, cooled (begin with 1/2 cup uncooked quinoa)

1 large carrot, finely chopped

1/4 cup (or more) onion (I used white, but red would be great)

3/4 cup cherry tomatoes, sliced in half

1/2 cup mint, chopped

About 4 cups spinach, loosely packed

For the Dressing:

2 medium garlic cloves, grated

4 tablespoons olive oil

4 tablespoons lemon juice

salt to taste


  1. Cook quinoa according to directions. For a half a cup of dried quinoa, you will get about three cups of cooked quinoa. Allow the quinoa to cool completely, then measure out a cup, and add to a large salad bowl.

  2. Toss in the spinach, onions, tuna, chickpeas, carrot, tomatoes and mint.

  3. Grate the garlic into a small bowl. Add in freshly squeezed lemon juice, olive oil and a pinch of salt. Whisk gently with a fork.

  4. Drizzle the dressing over the salad. Add salt and pepper to taste. Lightly toss the salad, then divide between two people for a large portion and four people as a starter plate.

Lex Erickson

Lex Erickson

Exploring life's many facets one glass of wine, pair of heels, and yoga class at a time.


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